28/03/2022 – Something caused the Public SG to be nuked. This will take a while to be fixed. For now, Public SG will be unavailable until I get things sorted out. Private SG isn’t affected.
14/03/2022 – Changed the domain names for the proxy. If you have issues connecting to the proxy, please redownload the profiles from the site. Added a Privacy Policy page on the site.
09/02/2022 – (Public) Quietly added a SG Node best for some SEA users. If you’re interested on test/using this, the profile can be downloaded on the website.
31/01/2022 – Added OpenVPN Profiles in case anyone wants to use those instead. Can be grabbed from the profile section.
24/01/2022 – (Public) New permanent public profile, Awakegaijins is released. Can be grabbed from the public profile section.
12/01/2022 – (Private) Turned MY Sleep/Awake on again since the routing issues seems to be back. One year lease. Recommended for MY players.
09/01/2022 – Fixed disconnection issues in salon caused by a firewall rule issue on some servers. 09/01/2022 Update: Its probably fixed now.
06/01/2022 – (Private) Turned off MY node since the routing issues seems to be fixed(?). Well can always spun one up later if needed, I suppose.
05/01/2022 – (Private) Awake gets same treatment as Sleepgaijins, moved to AWS for the time being until ISP routing is fixed
05/01/2022 – (Public) Temporary reactivated Sleepgaijins due to bad routing on SEA internet; will self destruct on April 5, 2022.
29/12/2021 – (Private) Added a temp MY node due to bad ISP routing; 3 months lease. Will consider extending if issue persists
22/12/2021 – (Private) Upgraded both Sleep & Awake Private Proxy to a more robust server (4Gbps of bandwidth. Might be overdoing it, but oh well), users should feel improved performance. Both Sleep/Awake should perform the same.
10/09/2021 – (Public) Gave DreamPublic a new IP from another pool. Performance-wise, It’s on par with Awake. (As of 22/12, not anymore, Sleep/Awake is the best as far as specs are concerned)
10/09/2021 – (Private) Added Private SG Nodes for Sleep/Awake, leased for one year.
01/09/2021 – (Public) Public Dreamgaijins initial release prior to Sleepgaijins closure.