21/09/2022 – (Public) SG is back up again (3-month lease, until December 21st, 2022), should flawlessly work within those 3-month period.
21/09/2022 – (Public) SG is disabled for now until I have the resource and time to lease another. SG was supposed to be leased until July 11 originally, so I’d call that a win. Check back here for when SG will be back on. This doesn’t affect Public JP as those should work as usual.
10/07/2022 – Fixed OpenVPN profiles; they should now work again but requires you to redownload the OpenVPN profiles from the site.
29/06/2022 – (Public) Moved SG(Σ) to JP, but since its on Google’s premium routing, it will still route your net connection to the closest Google server to you, regardless of where you are.
05/06/2022 – Short early pre-Kvaris maintenance (can’t do it on MT day since I’ll be busy then). Also enabled UDP acceleration across all servers on JP proxies; improves ping but can worsen it if your ISP is unreliable. Older downloaded profiles have these turned on by default. If you’re having problems, please redownload the proxy profiles for the old TCP profiles, or disable UDP acceleration on the profile by doing: Right-click Profile> Properties> Advanced Settings> Check "Disable UDP Acceleration"
18/05/2022 – There was a proxy outage about an hour before MT which is caused by BBIX, a JP Internet Exchange (Think of it as an ISP, but for large businesses, including regular ISP’s) which affects the servers where the proxy is located. It’s fixed, but I’ll monitor things and have a backup ready if needed.
04/05/2022 – Updated the domain names and certificates for the proxy, phasing out from the free domains for security. If your proxy address still points to the .cf domains, please redownload the profiles from the site.
11/04/2022 – Public SG is back up (3-month lease, until July 11, 2022), should flawlessly work within those 3-month period. Will renew a week before expiry. Check Server Status
28/03/2022 – Something caused the Public SG to be nuked. This will take a while to be fixed. For now, Public SG will be unavailable until I get things sorted out. Private SG isn’t affected.
14/03/2022 – Changed the domain names for the proxy. If you have issues connecting to the proxy, please redownload the profiles from the site. Added a Privacy Policy page on the site.
09/02/2022 – (Public) Quietly added a SG Node best for some SEA users. If you’re interested on test/using this, the profile can be downloaded on the website.
31/01/2022 – Added OpenVPN Profiles in case anyone wants to use those instead. Can be grabbed from the profile section.
24/01/2022 – (Public) New permanent public profile, Awakegaijins is released. Can be grabbed from the public profile section.
12/01/2022 – (Private) Turned MY Sleep/Awake on again since the routing issues seems to be back. One year lease. Recommended for MY players.
09/01/2022 – Fixed disconnection issues in salon caused by a firewall rule issue on some servers. 09/01/2022 Update: It’s probably fixed now.
06/01/2022 – (Private) Turned off MY node since the routing issues seems to be fixed(?). Well can always spun one up later if needed, I suppose.
05/01/2022 – (Private) Awake gets same treatment as Sleepgaijins, moved to AWS for the time being until ISP routing is fixed
05/01/2022 – (Public) Temporary reactivated Sleepgaijins due to bad routing on SEA internet; will self-destruct on April 5, 2022.
29/12/2021 – (Private) Added a temp MY node due to bad ISP routing; 3 months lease. Will consider extending if issue persists
22/12/2021 – (Private) Upgraded both Sleep & Awake Private Proxy to a more robust server (4Gbps of bandwidth. Might be overdoing it, but oh well), users should feel improved performance. Both Sleep/Awake should perform the same.
10/09/2021 – (Public) Gave DreamPublic a new IP from another pool. Performance-wise, It’s on par with Awake. (As of 22/12, not anymore, Sleep/Awake is the best as far as specs are concerned)
10/09/2021 – (Private) Added Private SG Nodes for Sleep/Awake, leased for one year.
01/09/2021 – (Public) Public Dreamgaijins initial release prior to Sleepgaijins closure.